Remember Ghani? We announced his arrival at the company a few months ago and you might have already spoken to him on the phone or via email when requesting help with digitalsignage.NET or POV. Now Ghani has become a Customer … Continue reading

Remember Ghani? We announced his arrival at the company a few months ago and you might have already spoken to him on the phone or via email when requesting help with digitalsignage.NET or POV. Now Ghani has become a Customer … Continue reading
Andrew is the person that keeps things spinning when it comes to support, he is the one that makes sure that your enquiries are answered promptly and your support tickets are resolved quickly. He’s also the mind behind our Forums, … Continue reading
This is the first from a series of staff interviews meant to introduce you to different staff members of our organisation whose efforts and commitment make Dynamax and digitalsignage.NET the company and product they are today. The first interviewee is … Continue reading
We had the chance and pleasure to catch up with Andrea Le Vot, CEO Europe at BlueFox about a topic they know all about. So we are glad to bring you expert advice about digital signage content. Take … Continue reading
Every once in a while we ask industry experts, persons we consider knowledgeable and influential, to share their insights on various digital signage- related aspects. This time it’s Denis Gaumondie, CEO of Digital Media Village & Editor of Ooh-tv who … Continue reading
Pascal Cübb is the CEO and founder of Cübb, the company that has recently deployed the ”digiwalkers” (the term used by iDOOH Media- one of their partners in the UK ) or the Cyklops as they call it in France for Virgin … Continue reading
This article is an exclusive rendering of the interview taken by Ooh-tv to Jérôme Hérard, COO of the French media agency L’île des Médias, on issues related to the digital transformation of public space. Starting with 2006 L’île des Médias, … Continue reading