Create your animated ads with YouTube

Become an animator using Youtube’s new video- making tools. This is a massive step forward for anyone frowning in-store advertising or the endorsement of a screen in his/her venue because of the content (ad) creation costs. So if you want to enhance your screen’s content or install a display in your reception/ waiting room/ store then have a look at these three programmes and discover what you can do with them.

What you need is a Google and Youtube account, nothing you can’ t set up in minutes.

1. GoAnimate– an application allowing you to create animated videos, for free, in 10 minutes. It basically allows you to produce your own cartoons. There are pre-created backgrounds and character you can select and all you have to do is type in a script (what they will say) and choose a character- appropriate voice.
2. Superflix Video Maker– allows you to mix photos, videos, maps, music, text and the software will make a video for you in…seconds. So you’re basically creating your own animated ad! (just tried it and it’s all so easy and quick!)
3. Xtranormal movie maker– it does an extraordinary thing: animates anything you write. Just set up a scene and start typing! You can choose a background music and sound to create the right atmosphere but you’re limited in terms of characters (which is fine if you can make something funny with aliens-like ”actors”). You can really be a film director here by choosing the moves and looks of your characters.

Here’s a self- produced video we’ve came up with just so you get a taste of it (oh and the apps’ link) Enjoy!

From Dynamax, with love ♥



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