We’ve had quite a few enquiries from colleges and schools in the UK and the US last week and we thought we should revisit the relevance of digital signage in education. This infographic lists a few questions that we prompt educational institutions to answer in order to decide if they need digital signage or not. If the answer to most of the questions below is ”No”, they’re obviously still happy with their paper- based messaging system and whatever else they’re using. Alternatively, if they answer ”Yes” to most questions, then they need exactly what we offer.
Feel free to suggest more questions using the comments box below and help people realise the multifaceted benefits of digital signage solutions in schools.
What next?
If you answered ”Yes” to most of the questions and you’re ready for digital signage,
then contact us for a FREE consultation
or download our popular white paper, if you haven’t done so yet.
And if you want to find out exactly what we offer, then see what digitalsignage.NET- our digital signage software can do for you.